Uncut Diamonds Cut Diamonds Raw Data Business Information Actionable InsightsĤ The excitement surrounding BI is well warranted – unlock significant value across the entire organization The evidence is stacking up: if planned well, BI contributes to the bottom line. Business intelligence enables this transformation. It must be managed, governed, organized, and processed into information so that decision makers can utilize the value and turn it into actionable insights. Similarly, raw data holds immense amounts of potential, but provides little direct value to the business on its own. It is only when you process and refine them that they become beautiful and useful in a variety of industries. RAW REFINED Uncut diamonds hold great potential value but are of little use on their own. Like any other raw resource, you must refine and process it in order to extract the value – in this case, information and then insights. Raw data by itself does not provide direct value. Make sure data issues are addressed before proceeding with a solution.ģ Turn data into usable information using business intelligence The success of BI is heavily dependant on data in terms of quality, organization, and integration. This blueprint will help you to ensure you have data governance and data quality practices in place to get the most accurate reports and analytics.
Find a BI suite that best suits the use case and therefore your organization, then get to know the established vendors as well as the emerging players.
Evaluate your organization and land yourself into one of our three BI use cases. Rapid, on-the-go data is the new demand from data consumers. BI solutions need to keep pace with evolving data consumption patterns and the increasing demand for faster turnaround or delivery of insights. You must be cognizant of the multitude of offerings and be able to bridge the gap between what is out there and what your organization needs. Evaluate requirements to ensure they align with the strategic goals of the business. Info-Tech’s methodology helps you to define business intelligence requirements comprehensively through the lenses of business, data, architecture, and user groups. The overall success of the BI solution is only as good as the quality of the data fueling them. Another dimension of the success of BI is the quality and validity of the reports and insights. When selecting a solution, you have to make sense of the many offerings and bridge the gap between what is out there and what your organization needs. The multitude of BI offerings creates an overwhelming vendor landscape. Self-serve BI is meant to empower users for informed and faster decisions, but uncontrolled self-serve BI will lead to “report chaos.” Govern self- serve before it gets out of hand. Self-serve BI requires a measured approach. Ensure alignment between the business and tool capabilities. When selecting a BI tool, it is crucial to ensure that the tool is fit for the purpose of the organization. Without data management, your BI users will not be able to get the insights they need due to inaccurate and unavailable data. Business intelligence starts with data management. It is imperative that organizations take the time to select and implement a BI suite that aligns with business goals and fosters end-user adoption. Yet an appetite for intelligence does not mean that business intelligence initiatives will be an automatic success. Presentation on theme: "Select and Implement a Business Intelligence and Analytics Solution"- Presentation transcript:ġ Select and Implement a Business Intelligence and Analytics Solutionįind the diamond in your data-rough using the right BI and analytics solution.Ģ Executive summary Statistics show that the top priority of 85% of CIOs is insight and intelligence (IBM Global C-Suite Study 2016).